Im still installing the original SpinTires off and on. There are two free DLCs and lots of mods in the Steam Workshop, which bodes well for the game. In the image below you can see how badly I tore up the ground to the right, I'm now moving around on a slight side incline with rocks rather than go through that mud again.

So if you turn the front wheels to the left, for instance, you then have to apply right stick in order to straighten them out, rather than just releasing the spring loaded stick. I got thrown off by the steering till I realized that unlike every other driving game I've played, the steering is not self centering (which I'm sure is probably realistic to these vehicles). The cameras are OK and the controls decent. I finally got out by using my winches (you have fore and aft winches) to eventually extricate my truck and use a slight detour, since the ground you chew up stays chewed up through the mission. I was transporting some heavy logs and got really, really bogged down and the more I spun my tires the more the ground was dug up. The mud driving is fun and feels realistic. It's not an in-depth, cerebral game but it's more than just driving around in the mud, there are challenges and missions and things to do. I've done the tutorial and a couple of challenges. I picked up this game on a mid-week Steam Sale (good till the 20th) and I have played about 70 minutes.